Balance management with
School administration involves both management duties and
leadership opportunities. The management side tends to be the stuff that one has to do. Leadership is the stuff that
one chooses to do. It’s very
important as an educational administrator (especially a rookie) to remember
these two things i) to be a leader you need followers and ii) to gain followers
one must complete management duties in a timely and efficient manner. Teachers
will not care what you have to say about educational leadership if you don’t
manage effectively.
2. Envision the ideal, but focus on the doable.
Effective school leaders have a vision
of what their “ultimate” school looks like. This vision helps create the
culture and atmosphere of the schools in which they work. But a clear path
directly to this goal is rarely, if ever, discernible. Leaders must pick their
way toward this goal one small step at a time, focusing on ideas and changes
that can be implemented now, ones that may take a year or two and ones that may
take 5 years. The ideal is never achieved because it always evolves, but it’s
the incremental changes made working toward the ideal that improve learning for
3. Act as a representative for the missing voice.
A big part of being an administrator
is helping sort out other people’s conflicts. Parents will come to complain
about teachers, teachers about kids, kids about teachers etc. With
interpersonal issues, getting one side of the story never suffices in shedding
enough light on the situation, of course it’s imperative to get views from all
possible sides in these matters. But in the interim, while listening to the
initial report of any conflict, effective leaders try to understand the missing
person’s point of view, and keep that in their mind as the discussion
progresses. Adopting and, where necessary, representing the missing person’s
point of view helps in keeping the discussion focused and moving toward
settlement. Too readily accepting the initial complaint at face value often
leads to more awkward situations later on.
4. Listen and interpret.
People will usually say what they
mean, but often mean more than what has actually been said. Often they’re
simply shy about “sharing everything”. A student who admits to going to bed too
late can be expressing numerous things, from anxiety issues to more esoteric
ailments like “screen addiction”. A teacher complaining about too much marking
may be asking for help in planning or looking for ways to work more
efficiently. Effective administrators pick up on this and, using communication
techniques such as paraphrasing, try to elicit the full meaning of what is being communicated. It’s only after frank
discussions with all necessary information available that effective feedback,
and help where necessary, can be provided.
5. Reflect
After every action, interaction and
decision, the best administrators will always
ask “How could that have been done better?” Whether something has gone
extremely well, or the flaws in planning and/or execution were evident for all
to see, a cycle of constant reflection upon their work allows these
administrators to improve their practice every day.
6. Plan for
your own departure.
It’s nice to think of one’s self as
indispensible, but the aim of an effective administrator should be the
opposite. After all, the essence of true leadership is building capacity within
an organization. If there’s a
process or procedure that’s important to the running of a school, strong administrators
will ensure that they are not the
only people within the building capable of completing the task. Whether it’s something as mundane as
turning off the bells for a holiday or as complex as building a timetable,
building redundancy into the system is a critical part of creating a robust and
sustainable leadership structure.
7. Improving
student learning is our sole guiding
This may seem like a truism, but
nevertheless we often find ourselves asking “What’s best for ________?”. I’ve
seen this simple question work miracles, from diffusing extremely tense
conversations with both teachers and parents, to kick-starting what seems like
a stalled professional development conversation. Everyone in the field of
education works from the premise that we’re here to help students, we all just
need to be reminded once in a while.